作者: anthony0301 (阿翰) 看板: joke
標題: [XD] 出賣室友 期末考壓力大了嗎?
時間: Tue Jun 12 02:13:21 2012

就可首po,鞭小力一點 > <




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
klion2468:超可愛>.^ 06/12 02:13
sinon2mayday:好像我高中同學 他是台中人嗎? 06/12 02:14
victoryss:表哥! 06/12 02:16
Basedon:好可愛 06/12 02:16
andy20419:阿斯 對喔 是台中人XD 06/12 02:17
storyf66014:身材還不錯~ 06/12 02:21
s682663:身材不錯啊 叫他下次要穿三角的XD 這樣紅比較快 06/12 02:25
wang2731:朝聖推~ 06/12 02:27
Zazzi:你好像在憋笑.. 06/12 02:29
shadeel:有人硬了 06/12 02:30
hayama80927:快出教學影片XD 06/12 02:33
hsnu117030:推唷~ 06/12 02:34
whatthefcuk:樓下快PO音樂版 06/12 02:36
azlicker:49秒 在嘟嘴嗎0.0 06/12 02:36
AZEL9527:你室友在你背後 他現在非常火 06/12 02:38
OXU5566:借轉可愛版 06/12 02:40
anthony0301:剛出爐的音樂版 http://youtu.be/U5SxJEAeMU8 06/12 02:40
william5h:男八XDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 02:43
n1lk5g2:硬了 06/12 02:45
KOBEDIRK:天使下凡 06/12 02:49
Queerect:身材跟長相都不錯耶~~借轉甲板 06/12 02:50
e510171:http://tinyurl.com/7zqbe5t 06/12 02:50
Queerect:轉錄至看板 gay 06/12 02:50
andy20419:XDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 02:51
ahinetn123:轉甲板我笑了 06/12 02:51
Arashinoon:推 e510171 可以另外PO一篇阿 XD 06/12 02:53
jerryklu:原PO你真的害死你室友了............. 06/12 02:53
timmy852111:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 02:54
Uwen5566:推 e510171:http://tinyurl.com/7zqbe5t 06/12 02:57
johnny4890:紅了 06/12 02:57
lovecollyi:Show Girl那個超好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 03:01
evomichael:這男五還男八??? 06/12 03:02
phykevin:原Po你慘了 06/12 03:02
CaptainWill:好恐怖的室友(抖抖 06/12 03:06
smkingpeter:轉甲板 XD 06/12 03:06
sponge020:XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 03:10
towierc:幹可憐 06/12 03:10
sakeant:http://ppt.cc/Z6Yy 06/12 03:16
cacao72:其實還滿可愛的拉XDD(推~ 06/12 03:24
Refauth:.................................... 06/12 03:30
woieyufan:他看到會把你釘死在床上 06/12 03:31
dylan29341:你真的很壞 06/12 03:39
swatch44:我想幹死他!! 06/12 03:40
yang910228:轉甲板哈哈哈哈 06/12 03:44
Queerect:看到他的雞雞一直在晃動我就好有感覺好想摸下去喔 06/12 03:51
Queerect:然後好想把他的褲子扒掉 看他全裸跳舞 晃動他的雞雞~~>< 06/12 03:51
giligowla20:有笑有推啦 06/12 03:53
feit:樓樓上不要衝動... 06/12 03:58
peaceworldd:幹好靠杯喔可是我一直笑 06/12 04:08
er26562002:好可愛喔XDDDD 06/12 04:35
orfan:你幫ettoday找了一篇新聞題材 06/12 04:40
MADAO:......反詐騙 某樓叫表哥害我馬上點下去 06/12 04:42
kevinshe520:你朋友發現一定想打爆你XD 06/12 05:08
mklp:教小朋友跳這種GAY舞XD 06/12 05:47
mklp:跳這種舞蹈到底有誰會開心呀? 只知道看到苦主鄉民蠢蠢欲動~ 06/12 05:50
Fuzishan:... 06/12 05:50

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作者: MDA (MDA) 看板: joke
標題: Re: [耍冷] 達爾文
時間: Tue Jun 12 02:02:30 2012



OKLAHOMA CITY -- The streak is over. The series might only be beginning.

Kevin Durant scored 22 points, Thabo Sefolosha set playoff career bests with
19 points and six steals, and the Oklahoma City Thunder snapped San Antonio's
20-game winning streak by beating the Spurs 102-82 in Game 3 of the Western
Conference finals Thursday night.

Oklahoma City closed its series deficit to 2-1 and will host Game 4 on
Saturday night.

"We never thought these guys had an advantage over us even though we had lost
a few," Durant said. "It was just good that we took it to 2-1. We didn't want
to go down 0-3."

Sefolosha threw a wrench in the Spurs' well-oiled offense at the start,
getting four steals in the first 3 minutes. The Spurs ended up committing a
postseason-worst 21 turnovers and scoring their fewest points all season.

San Antonio had been averaging 109.4 points per game during its
month-and-a-half winning streak and had been held to double-digits only twice.

"We just played a good basketball game," Thunder coach Scott Brooks said. "We
played with a lot of force, we played with good energy, but we played
defensive-minded basketball.

"That's who we are. That's how we win."

Tony Parker and Stephen Jackson led the Spurs with 16 points apiece. Tim
Duncan had 11 points on 5 for 15 shooting, taking 11 of San Antonio's first
25 shots as the offense went through the All-Star center instead of Parker.

"They played like it was a closeout game, both offensively and defensively,"
Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "They were very active, physical; they moved
the ball well on offense. They did all those things better than we did. They
beat us good."

The Spurs, who already set an NBA record for the longest winning streak
carried over from the regular season into the playoffs, were trying to match
the league mark for most wins to start the postseason. The Lakers won 11
straight to start the 1989 and 2001 playoffs, getting swept in the NBA Finals
the first time and winning it all the second.

The Spurs hadn't lost since April 11 at home against the Lakers.

"We are a prideful team. It's no fun being down 0-2. It's no fun," Brooks
said. "But we weren't looking at the game thinking, 'Oh my gosh, we have a
chance to be down 0-3.' We were looking at the game that we have a chance to
be 1-2 after this game, and I give our guys a lot of credit. They believe in
each other and they always play hard for each other."

Parker and Duncan didn't play in the final 15 minutes, and Popovich pulled
the plug after a series of three straight turnovers allowed the deficit to
reach 23 points early in the fourth quarter.

Sefolosha had a right-handed dunk off a lob pass from Russell Westbrook, who
followed with his own two-handed jam on an alley-oop pass, and Sefolosha
followed with a reverse layup on another turnover-fueled fast-break chance to
push the lead to 86-63 with 9:48 left.

The Thunder put together another 9-0 run coinciding with Manu Ginobili coming
out of the game and featuring Serge Ibaka sticking his tongue out after
nailing a jumper from the top of the key. Brooks soon followed Popovich and
pulled his own front-line players with the game well in hand.

"You're not going to beat this team by playing one-effort basketball," Brooks
said. "You're going to have to have two, three, four, even five. And they
make you do that because they pass the ball so well, they spread the floor so

Popovich said the Thunder played harder and smarter than the Spurs.

"They did definitely play with a lot more energy, a lot more passion than us
tonight," said Parker, who committed five turnovers.

The Spurs wiped out a 24-point deficit in Game 3 against the Clippers in Los
Angeles in the previous round, but they weren't recovering in this one.

San Antonio managed only 24 points in the paint after averaging 46 through
the first two games of the series and 47.8 through the playoffs.

Oklahoma City already held a 28-8 scoring edge in the paint while taking a
54-41 halftime lead, and it never got better for San Antonio, which couldn't
get any closer than 11 points in the second half.

"We wanted to bounce back after two losses like that. We had to play better
and we did that tonight," Sefolosha said. "We played with energy; we played
with passion in front of our home crowd. They did a great job giving us a

The Thunder scored the game's first eight points, feeding off Sefolosha's
steals, but San Antonio recovered in time to take the lead with more than 5
minutes left in the opening period.

Oklahoma City took the lead early in the second quarter, and there was no
looking back.

Sefolosha set up Ibaka's two-handed dunk and hit a 3-pointer during a 13-1
run, with San Antonio's only point coming on a free throw by Ginobili after
Durant was called for a technical foul while arguing a call from the bench.

Oklahoma City's lead ballooned to 15 when Kendrick Perkins grabbed
Westbrook's air ball and dunked it with two hands.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
charlietk3:不要真的出現好嗎 06/12 02:06
Ommmmm:幹 這也不好笑啦 06/12 02:09
victoryss: 06/12 02:16

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作者: joctc (準備好了) 看板: joke
標題: Re: [XD] 台北人認為的台灣地圖
時間: Tue Jun 12 02:21:05 2012

※ 引述《fantasyF (羽山千仞)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《fantasyF (羽山千仞)》之銘言:

我也來應景∼ 有天賦的國中生其實不少啦∼


地標主題地圖 http://tinyurl.com/8xxb5ly
動植物標示圖 http://tinyurl.com/7pk2n3u




: : (認真文)
: : 我是一個國中地理老師,為了配合7年級(國一)下學期的第五章台灣區域特色課程,
: : 這個活動我每年都會讓學生去做...
: : 這章正好在二次段考之後才會上到,所以說我在課前會發給孩子一張白紙,
: : 遊戲規則如下:
: : 1.不准看課本講義考卷或是其他提示。
: : 2.不准問其他同學。
: : 3.畫出台灣的輪廓,與他所知的縣市分界後,寫上他對這裡的第一印象。
: : (例如名產、人物、風景區之類)
: : 然後就會出現一些令人哭笑不得的景象:
: 我是原PO,承蒙東森與PTT粉絲團的轉載,(甚至還被長官"關切"了XD)
: 所以說雖然有點久,感覺還是要交代一下後續XD
: 由於本學期我班級比較多,所以今年度「我眼中的台灣」圖片量也比較大,
: 我稍微統計了一下一些北部孩子在圖中容易出現的有趣現象:
: 1.被遺忘的是...
: 根據我的統計,最容易被遺忘的縣市為
: 第一名-雲林縣
: 第二名-彰化縣
: 第三名-苗栗縣
: 2.最容易被獨立出來的縣:
: 第一名-墾丁縣
: 第二名-林口縣(桃園孩子不意外XD)
: 3.最常錯的字:
: 其實現在七年級孩子的語文程度尚待加強,
: 我也允許他們可以"很羞恥的使用注音"(畢竟在短時間讓他們完成作品嘛)
: 第一名-苗"票"(錯字率約10%,杯具啊)
: 第二名-雞隆(跟歷史搞混了XD)
: 4.特殊名產選:
: 台北-101大樓
: 新北-(都跟台北攪在一起做撒尿牛丸了)
: 基隆-羅志祥(給我一點尖叫聲!)
: 新竹-貢丸
: 苗栗-草莓
: 台中-太陽餅
: 雲林-沒有...(沒錯,就是沒有名產XD)
: 高雄-花媽
: 屏東-比基尼
: 花蓮-蓮花(不是倒過來就會有好嗎??)
: 宜蘭-蔥
: 最後,我們還是來看一下今年評審團(也就只有我一個XD)最大獎...
: http://ppt.cc/g1jB (有經過當事人同意^^")
: 別懷疑,這真的是七年級的作品...
: 教書兩年,我終於看見神了...(膜拜)
: 雖然還是有紕漏啦,瑕不掩瑜瑕不掩瑜~0.0b
: 在第五章結束後,我也會節錄一些孩子們的作品與其他地圖,
: 利用PPT來跟他們順便講解地圖會隨著時間、科技、不同人的觀點而有所不同,
: (例如天龍人的台灣地圖以及拿那張圖去採訪郝胖虎的新聞就是我的教材之一XD)
: 也會放我去各地旅行的照片,
: 藉此與孩子強調課堂上所學的東西其實都是台灣真實的在地樣貌,
: 說穿了重點很簡單:我們在課堂上最需要告訴孩子的觀念是「台灣是很美的!!!」

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
dylan29341:老師好多XD 06/12 03:36

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作者: link515 (Paganini) 看板: joke
標題: Re: [耍冷] 達爾文
時間: Tue Jun 12 02:42:38 2012



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Ommmmm: 116 06/12 02:46
MDA:這篇更廢 06/12 03:37

每日經濟新聞 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作者: e510171 (蛤?) 看板: joke
標題: [囧rz] showgirl壞掉了
時間: Tue Jun 12 02:56:22 2012


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
gy158984:畫質差到嚇到我了,不過這位我拍過 = = 06/12 02:58
t4qup3:可能CASE接太少 崩潰 06/12 03:05
jrupvm:好低能=_= 06/12 03:06
CaptainWill:被現代官方看到會怎麼樣阿XD 06/12 03:08
Arashinoon:應該是認識的吧 不然這麼形象崩潰XDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 03:08
devin0329:可能她的主人誤觸了震動開關 06/12 03:23
sing20020903:XD 06/12 03:48
dude0324:這不是超級久的嗎= = 06/12 03:51
GeniiChang:應該是別家跑來亂的...XD 06/12 04:18
louiskuo:這根本就在彩排阿,沒人 06/12 04:30
s87087:XDDDDDDDDDDDD轉臉超快 06/12 04:39
lovesnow1990:哈哈哈 06/12 05:04
s92228:狂笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/12 05:20
qazqazqaz13:... 06/12 05:27
ying1230:男扮女裝 06/12 05:40

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